Registration for the Conference
The deadline for the submission of your abstract(s) (max. 500 words) is the 21th of January, 2018. (Deadline for registration without paper is the 15th of March, 2018). Based on the quality of the abstracts, reviewers will decide upon the suitability of the contribution for presentation at the conference. Authors whose contributions are accepted for the conference should submit a full paper after the conference, no later than the 31st May 2018. The best papers will be considered for publishing in an English language peer-review journal (Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, Regional Statistics, East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures, Acta Oeconomica, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems). Due to environmental purposes, abstract book will be published online with ISBN number.
The conference language is English and high quality abstracts of original research (500 words) are invited to be submitted using the online form at:
For any further assistance please write to the following address: dti75[at]rkk[dot]hu